Klimaatactiekamp/Climate Action Camp: Huge banner on conveyor belt
Klimaatactiekamp/Climate Action Camp: Huge banner on conveyor belt
Climate Camp Action Group07 augustus 2009 – 14:55
Activists occupied the Antwerpen coal terminal on Friday, 7th of August 2009. Ten activists demanded "Clean Energy Now!" on a huge banner (6x9m) hanging between two conveyor belt buildings.

Activists occupied the Antwerpen Delwaidedok Terminal on Friday, 7th of August 2009. Ten activists demanded "Clean Energy Now!" on a huge banner (6x9m) hanging between two conveyor belt buildings.
Delwaidedok Map: http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=de&geocode=&q=antwerpen+luc...

Activists from the climate camp climbed onto the buildings of the conveyor belt end hung a banner demanding to quit coal.

The coal terminal in Antwerpen is one of the biggest in Western Europe. Coal arrives here by cargo ships bringing it from South Africa, the US and other countries. From the terminal the coal is transported by train and ships mostly to Dutch and German power plants.

After the banner was hung, a group of activists was stopped outside the terrain by authorities. They were released after a short ID check. The activists were stressing to "get real" and to recognize that fossil fuels are not the energy source of the 21st century. Their claim was "Get Real! The carbon party is over"

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