De morgen; CIA is financing the NO campaign in Ireland ?
De morgen; CIA is financing the NO campaign in Ireland ?
Valentine Julien co auteur Raf Verbeke.29 september 2008 – 21:32
Yes, you find it in the papers all over Europe and today in Belgium in de Morgen .....but is it true?
The first article exposing who is financing the YES side has to be written yet. Who is this aggressive pro-EU lobby spending so much money to put pressure on the complete EU population and in particularly on Ireland to avoid democratic accountability in the EU? Who is spending masses of money in the Yes campaign to support the Treaty of Lisbon?

Declan Ganley is initiator of the No means No campaign in Ireland. Cohn Bendit (green party) and his Anti-American friends try with a personnel attack to save the European Union as it is, by asking an Eu investigation on the legality of this No campaign.
Nobody is doubting the CIA is working in secrecy to stop Europe from becoming independent and strong. But that you will not see in the papers. Few people know that Lernout and Hauspie got huge contracts of the Pentagon, that finally ruined them. According to the investigation that has started now in the European parliament, the Irish multmillionair, Declan Ganley has financial connections with the CIA. The allegation is based on .... 200.000 euro he lended to the NO means No Campaigners in a think tank called Libertas.
Declan Ganley ( supported the campaign against the Lissabon Treaty with the argument that the EU would abolish low company taxes in Ireland. He is motivated to fight against the super State of the EU because of what he experienced in Russia on the ruins of the Soviet super state by his company activities; installing mobile phone networks. Declan has wealthy American friends, he loves the USA. He "might be having contracts in Iraq" is the allegation. He has military departements being among his clients. His arguments is ; What if the other 24 countries would read the treaty and have the possibility offered for a referendum ? They would also say no! So why are the EU technocrats so eager to make this bill pass without respecting the vote of the population ?
And now in the middle of the financial melt-down from the American housing market and just before the EU-top of 15 october, where the Irish political crisis and the financial crisis will be on the agenda of Sarkozy, just now Mr Cohn-Bendit, frontman for les Verts, the green party of France, wants to push this allegations. The intentions are clear...: Putting pressure on the Irish population and rule out any debate by the working classes and poor people of Europe on the neo conservative character of the EU.
In this way they ignore what really motivated the no voters. The No voters do not accept to be forced into the joined militairy operations of EU, USA and Nato. They mislead the public by saying that this Lisbon treaty would bind Europe into a strong nation against the USA whereas the opposit is the truth. Today Europe is an imperialistic structure and an instrument of the USA. The door is open by the Lisbon Treaty to install European taxes to be used for arms and weapons. It hides the military agency that has been created without democratic debate to install a European army, which has already started with 3000 soldiers. On sept 3 Declan came to speak in the EU parliament; he was invited bij SOS Democracy, composed of worried EU MP's. It was a hot debate and he said the EU had to accept they lost! Remarquable was he said Irish are not against the EU but against the undemocratic centralisation of power.
Cohn Bendit and his Anti-American friends try to hide that the EU is in fact copying american policy by the liberal strategies, armament, its budget policy and its neo colonial labor policy. In Holland and France in both camps, Yes and NO you could find all kinds of people with different political and ideological backgrounds. The democratic people who feel the EU is selling them out are divided aswel on the right as the left side. Enough reasons to respect the vote of the majority expressed in Ireland, France and Holland and to go for a consolidated European action for a European open social democracy, where working classes, farmers, and everybody else can make a stand against the tiranny of the multinationals and their liberalism.
On october 11 democratic people and other-globalists will gather at the Bourse of Brussels to support the Irish NO vote. We will explain our position in Belgium and what we can still do to block the ratification process which is not yet completed in Belgium and by doing so support and ask respect for the Irish NO means NO campaign.
That is why this article is in English.

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Those of us who were part of
Michael Youlto, 30/09/2008 – 17:44
Those of us who were part of the left wing NO to Lisbon campaign are following carefully the debate about the defeat of the Irish political elite on the June 12 th referendum. We are taking note of the desperate efforts coming from both European right and centre, and the local YES cabal, to push the Irish people to accept in a second referendum the original, or a slightly revamped, version of Lisbon (in itself incorporating 95% of the European Constitution).We have been restrained in our commentary so far and careful to study and understand in detail how the political elite may manage to overcome its deep crisis. The same way we studied and analysed Lisbon as early as last November, we will enter the fray when, as James Connolly said, the time is ripe. Capitalism has far too many serious problems right now and as hard as he may try Cowen won't convince anybody that the unprecedented disaster of the banks and the financial institutions is due to Lisbon being defeated!
The debate in this thread, however, both amusing and tragic that it is, requires a short response:
(1) Ganley and Libertas were not and will not be "the leaders" of the NO campaign. Despite the huge amounts spent, and the space provided to them by both electronic and print media, their two main platform planks of tax and the Commissioner issues were, at best, marginal in the people making up their mind on Lisbon.
(2) Every poll and our very extensive door-to-door experience right across the 32 Counties showed that European militarisation, the further erosion of Irish neutrality already in its death knell given the 1.5 million US soldiers who have passed through Shannon on the way and back from the killing fields, the threat on Trade Union rights following the three European Court of Justice decisions, the further erosion of EU democracy and, above all, the total distrust of politicians by our young, women and working class people were the main factors of the NO vote. Coupled with the horrific arrogance shown by the FF/FG/Labour/Green cabal, the Bishops, IBEC and their friends.
(3) Ganley/Libertas and COIR played a role no doubt. But it was the coalescence of a whole array of political forces, across classes but with a significant focus in working class, farmer and fishing communities, that won the day. And it is that array that now says NO MEANS NO!! LISBON IS DEAD!!
Finally, the points made above in the debate that Ganley is being pushed around as a bullyboy are correct. The man has just asked for Georgia to join NATO and has not had a word to say about European militarisation or the help provided by the EU to Israel. The media have pumped him up because he is part of the elite - CIA or no CIA!! But to listen to a variety of MEPS attack Ganley when they themselves have consistently refused to account for their income and expenditure takes the biscuit.
We, from our part, have to continue our struggle for a democatic, demilitarised and social Europe. It's half time in the match and we are 1-0 ahead. Both teams are now in their dressing rooms and you can hear the fans and the trainers shouting their heart out. We are ahead and we intend to stay there. Let them come. And we know that our best defence is our offensive capacity. Ganley or no Ganley!
Thanks for yr comment
Valentine, 01/10/2008 – 15:12
Thanks for yr comments and I appologize I did not make enough the difference in between this quite rightwing campaigner and those who really did the job and should get all the merites.
We were too much shocked by a Danny Cohn Bendit's Cia Allegations, who lost his red hair. In 2005 "No EU constitution" campaigners were also smeared by him because Le Pen is an eurosceptic. Al those against the undemocratic EU suddenly ended up in the fascist camp...
Feel free to keep us posted here so we know better what is happening in Ireland...
Be aware we are very gratefull for your efforts and we do our best to push the new born awareness and democratic movement.
As far as problems with Capitalisme;
Partly they are created on purpose to impose more control and impoverish the population. So I am not sure it will be good for us.
We have to take back control in my view by creating our own bancs and installing binding referendas step by step in a new democratic movement.
Jean Luc Dehaene
valentine julien, 02/10/2008 – 15:58
De Standaard reports that yesterday, at a
conference of the European Policy Center,
Jean-Luc Dehaene, former Belgian Prime Minister,
declared that the Irish government should simply
ratify the Lisbon Treaty without a referendum
before the EU elections, as the legal ground on
which Ireland has to hold a referendum is
disputable. Dehaene is quoted as saying: "whoever
thinks that a vote in parliament is less
democratic then a referendum has a lifelong
problem with democracy". By proposing this,
Dehaene aims to prevent the EU elections turning
into a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty which
could lead to shifting party loyalties.
Dehaene heeft een jaarlijkse zitpenning bij Inbev van 3 miljoen?