The secret archives of the "Binational Itaipu"
The secret archives of the "Binational Itaipu"
Nemesio Barreto Monzón02 mei 2006 – 11:30
With the signing of the "Treaty of Itaipu", between Brazil and Paraguay, and soon the "Treaty of Yacyreta", between Argentina and Paraguay, both in 1973, begins the "repressive cycle of the hydroelectric ones".
With the signing of the "Treaty of Itaipu", between Brazil and Paraguay, and soon the "Treaty of Yacyreta", between Argentina and Paraguay, both in 1973, begins the "repressive cycle of the hydroelectric ones". The civil works of the Itaipຠdam begin immediately and the tiny Paraguayan economy, with a General Budget of Expenses of USS 105,834,853 in 1973 (Law 383), receives a "rain of dollars" to such point that in 1983 the General Budget of Expenses already ascended to the respectable sum of 2,674,603,174 dollars (Law 962). The miracle of the multiplication of breads finally had arrived, only lacked to suppress to the companions at table. For such effect, between 1976-1983, Stroessner dictator destined for the punitive forces (Defense and Department of the Interior) the sum of 874,993,276 dollars. The political repression was without a doubt a great business, and the test is in the enormous budget destined to resolve the well-known "Cóndor Operation".
In this context, the "Binational Itaipàº", the greater hydroelectric dam of the world, were an indispensable source to obtain economic data and resources, and consequently it became an impenetrable supranational State, whose activities could not be investigated. With this immunity - and in "an evidently poor" country -, ten families close friends to the dictator became immensely rich. Among them the family of Ing. Enzo Debernardi.
In recent date I informed of the Public Ministry the text of a Confidential Report, with letterhead of the Binational Itaipàº, envoy in date 28 of April of 1975 to the High command - General Alfredo Stroessner -, giving account, among other things, of the kidnapping of César Cabral, Aníbal Abatte, Alejandro Stumps and Rodolfo Mongelós. Blurred the original one of this document is the File of the Terror: Book W-p 12, Microfilm N. 00050 F 1808-1809.
This report, originated in the General Consultant's office of Security and Information, at the time in which Ing. Enzo Enrico Debernardi Orillier, with C.I.N. 156.294, were Paraguayan Chief of a main directorate of the Ente Binational Itaipຠ(1973-1989), makes presume the existence of documentary evidences that they could be very useful for the elucidation of some cases of violation of the human rights during in dictatorial regime of general Alfredo Stroessner.
In this sense, in addition to the names already mentioned, the opening of the Archives of Binational Itaipຠcan serve to clarify other cases of kidnappings, like the one of Remigio Giménez, that after being kidnapped in Foz de Iguazຠin 1978, spent 11 years of its life in the "dark cellars of the dictator".
Mentioned engineer Enzo Debernardi, according to the daily disappear "Noticias" (the News), in its edition of the day Saturday 16 of January of 1993 (p 22/23), was one of the informants of the dictator and in such sense he published an article denouncing that "Debernardi was a usina of information". In this article the newspaper gave account of which "Between Enzo Debernardi, Sabino Augusto Montanaro and Pastor Coronel a friendly communication in the times of fight against the subversion like at the time of serving to the friends was developed as much, but to coast of the public State Treasury. Debernardi also informed to the ex- Head of Investigations on the antecedents of a journalist who made a work on Itaipຠand that, of course, was not of its affability ". This valuable journalistic contribution was done when Mr. Néstor López Moreira exerted the direction of daily "Noticias" (the News).
According to information of press of year 2005 ("General Stroessner", N. 6, published by the newspaper "La Nación" (the Nation), directed by Alejandro Domínguez Wilson-Smith), Ing. Enzo Debernardi, not only cultivated the friendship of frightful repressive, like the one of the then minister of the Interior Sabino Augusto Montanaro (put in a home in Honduras) or the one of frightful the ex- Head of Investigations Pastor Coronel (already passed away), but also the friendship of very same dictator Alfredo Stroessner, fugitive of justice and person in charge of multiple kidnappings and murders. In the mentioned publication of the newspaper "the Nation" (N. 6) can be appraised in photography the presence of Stroessner dictator in the wedding of Antonio Debernardi - son of Ing. Enzo Enrico Debernardi Orillier- with Maria Edith Bordón (kidnapping during 64 days in November of 2001. Source: Office of the Public Prosecutor).
Returning to the secret archives of Binational Itaipàº, it is improbable that the floodgates are opened and can be acceded to them, because influential families would decapitate to whatever osadía tries similar.
Ing. Enzo Debernardi, in spite of the mentioned and known antecedents, never was investigated, not even to explain how she could accumulate an immense fortune, being government official. Finally, the Secret File of Binational Itaipຠwill only open its closed floodgates if the international pressure is sufficiently strong.

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